

The financial and business interruption implications following an environmental incident can be significant, especially when the event generates substantial publicity. Tough legislation, media attention and keen community awareness, along with the possibility of delayed, 'long-tail' claims, make businesses of all kinds increasingly vulnerable either as the cause of the pollution or as the victim of natural disaster.

With Liberty, the policy is only part of the deal. Our underwriters and risk managers are well versed in dealing with the technical issues of complex risks and work side-by-side with brokers and clients to identify potential risks and suggest appropriate products. Our claims team works closely with clients to achieve a fair, timely and effective resolution of claims.

Liberty's environmental impairment products help to protect against four potential losses arising from a pollution incident:

  • Clean up costs - this can be the main expense and is the cost of removing contaminants and pollutants. It can also include the clean-up of a third-party site, including a waterway or crown land.
  • Costs of mitigation and emergency response.
  • Public relations and crisis containment expenses.
  • Costs incurred through Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) orders, including costs that the EPA incurs itself.

Contractor's Pollution Liability

Liberty’s Contractor’s Pollution Liability policy helps protect a contractor from third party claims arising from pollution caused by their activities at a third party site, and can be written on a practice or project-specific basis.

At a glance:

  • Bodily injury, property damage and cleanup claims
  • Covers both sudden and gradual events
  • Suits any contractor conducting work at third party job sites
  • Policies tailored to individual needs
  • Coverage that responds to the evolving environmental legislation.
Find an Underwriter
Alan Thorn - Vice President, Head of Environmental Impairment Liability - Asia Pacific

Alan Thorn

Vice President, Head of Environmental Impairment Liability - Asia Pacific
T: +61 7 3235 8841

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Fiona Priestley - Senior Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability

Fiona Priestley

Senior Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability
T: +61 3 9619 9842

Email Profile

Pippa Salvatierra - Assistant Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability

Pippa Salvatierra

Assistant Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability
T: +61 7 3235 8847

Email Profile

Fixed-site Pollution Liability

Liberty’s Fixed-site Pollution Liability policy helps to protect the client from claims resulting from pollution coming from their site. It helps protect the assets of a company by filling the gap created by the limited pollution cover provided under a standard liability and property insurance policy.

At a glance:

  • Bodily injury, property damage and cleanup claims
  • Covers both sudden and gradual events
  • Suits any business operator or owner of premises
  • Policies tailored to individual needs
  • Coverage that responds to the evolving environmental legislation.


Find an Underwriter
Alan Thorn - Vice President, Head of Environmental Impairment Liability - Asia Pacific

Alan Thorn

Vice President, Head of Environmental Impairment Liability - Asia Pacific
T: +61 7 3235 8841

Email Profile

Fiona Priestley - Senior Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability

Fiona Priestley

Senior Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability
T: +61 3 9619 9842

Email Profile

Pippa Salvatierra - Assistant Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability

Pippa Salvatierra

Assistant Underwriter, Environmental Impairment Liability
T: +61 7 3235 8847

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Find a specialist

Find a Claims specialist
Amalina Nazri - PST Specialist, Claims

Amalina Nazri

PST Specialist, Claims
T: +60 3 2082 4069

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James Tucker - Senior Claims Specialist & Tech Lead

James Tucker

Senior Claims Specialist & Tech Lead
T: +61 7 3235 8822

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Richard Jessup - Complex Claims Manager, Casualty Australia

Richard Jessup

Complex Claims Manager, Casualty Australia
T: +61 2 8298 5922

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Sui Loke - Australian Casualty Claims Manager

Sui Loke

Australian Casualty Claims Manager
T: +61 2 8298 5991

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Find a Risk Engineer
Angelo Maniatis - Vice President, Risk Engineering Casualty & Professional & Financial Risks, Asia Pacific

Angelo Maniatis

Vice President, Risk Engineering Casualty & Professional & Financial Risks, Asia Pacific
T: +61 3 9619 9868

Email Profile

David Collins - Principal Risk Engineer, Casualty

David Collins

Principal Risk Engineer, Casualty
T: +61 7 3235 8829

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John Stabelos - Senior Manager, Risk Engineering, Casualty

John Stabelos

Senior Manager, Risk Engineering, Casualty
T: +61 3 9619 9804

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